With Cannabidiol showing promise on many conditions, another one is nausea and vomiting. Although similar to other conditions it seems to treat, CBD’s mechanism in its effects on nausea and vomiting is not yet fully understood.
The first few trials of CBD’s effect to treating nausea and vomiting symptoms showed positive results but were done on animals that were chemically induced with the said symptoms. Later trials were done on human patients with nausea and vomiting induced physically or brought on by illness, and again showed the positive mechanism of CBD.
Several patients in the U.S. have been reported to use CBD to treat nausea and vomiting based only on animal treatments while it is already being widely used in The Netherlands and other countries for years now.
Since CBD also shows an ability to relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, combined with its potential anti-carcinogenic properties, it is being considered to one day replace and become the main supplement to help patients undergoing chemotherapy.